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The Malu Zine is a literary magazine for people to flourish their uniqueness through various forms of art. Starting from poetry/prose to drawings, there is no right or wrong to art. You make the rules. Push the boundaries and obsess over your published pieces.



The Malu Zine wants artists to define what “unique” means to them. Whether it’s a piece written in several languages, a prose poem with a strong message, a drawing accompanied by music, we want you to explore your limitless creativity. Don’t hesitate to get published in a digital issue alongside other international writers and artists. The Malu Zine is always open to submissions, and your work can make a difference!​​

Chill Subs

Get a response back in 2 days or less!

We understand that time is gold! However, due to the wave of submissions/love we receive, it’s hard for us to review and get back on your submission within 30 days. If you would like to get a response on your submission in less than TWO DAYS, consider this expedite response offer for less than $5 :) All money you spend will go directly towards maintaining our website and monthly issues.


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